How to Fix Problem with Failed: Hostload Exceeded- 6 Tips To Resolve

Hostload Exceeded! First, we have to learn a tutorial about what Hostload Exceeded is. Then second part we will discuss some issues created as per the problem and solution.

What is Hostload Exceeded

“Hostload Exceeded” typically refers to an error or notification generated by web hosting providers when a website or web application uses more resources (such as CPU, memory, or bandwidth) than the hosting plan allows.

Every web hosting plan has certain limitations on resources to ensure fair usage and optimal performance for all users sharing the same server when a website receives a large number of visitors or experiences a sudden spike in traffic.

How to Fix Problem with Failed: Hostload exceeded
Image: How to Fix Problem with Failed: Hostload exceeded

However, it can consume more server resources than allocated in the hosting plan. When this happens, the hosting server might struggle to handle the load. That leads to performance issues not only for the website in question but also for other websites hosted on the same server.

Hosting providers implement limits to prevent one website from monopolizing all server resources and affecting others. When a website exceeds its allocated resources, the server generates a “Hostload Exceeded” error, indicating that the website has surpassed its resource limits.

To resolve this issue, website owners can consider upgrading their hosting plan to one with higher resource allocations, optimizing their website’s code and content, or implementing caching mechanisms to reduce server load. It’s essential to work closely with the hosting provider’s support team to find the best solution for the specific situation.

Some snapshot about the Problem with Failed: Hostload Exceeded

This happens when you go to the Google search console for URS inspection. Then this below message shows in the time of test live URL.

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After that when you check the index report, it shows the host had a problem last week


Some solutions from Google expert

  • Hostload exceeded: Your site seems to be at maximum capacity for Google crawling or inspection requests. Google can’t run tests until your traffic load (as estimated by Google) drops.

Note that server errors can be transient, so you might encounter server errors during a live test that won’t occur during crawling or, conversely, your live test might succeed when a server error might have occurred during crawling.


I’ve been experiencing a similar issue recently. Everything was running smoothly for three years until I started encountering this error, and now many of my pages are not getting indexed. Despite searching through numerous forums and support threads, I haven’t found a solution. Most responses I’ve come across are generic statements and copy-pasted default answers provided by Google.

I reached out to my hosting company, and they assured me that their hosting is not the problem. Considering this, I am contemplating changing my hosting provider to see if it resolves the issue.

Soure – Google Search Console Support

Tips for resolving Problem with Failed: Hostload Exceeded

If you’re encountering a “Hostload Exceeded” error on your website, it means your website is using more server resources than your hosting plan allows. To resolve this issue, you can take several steps to optimize your website and reduce its resource usage:

  1. Optimize Your Website:
  • Images: Optimize images to reduce their file size without compromising quality. There are various online tools and plugins available for image optimization.
  • Code: Minimize and compress your CSS, JavaScript, and HTML files. Remove unnecessary spaces, comments, and formatting to reduce file sizes.
  • Database: Optimize your database by removing unnecessary data, optimizing tables, and cleaning up unused plugins or themes.

2. Implement Caching:

Use caching plugins or mechanisms to serve cached versions of your website to visitors. Cached pages load faster and reduce the server’s processing load.

3. Content Delivery Network (CDN):

Implement a CDN to distribute your website’s static assets (like images, stylesheets, and scripts) across multiple servers worldwide. This reduces the load on your hosting server.
Upgrade Your Hosting Plan:

If your website continues to experience high traffic and resource usage, consider upgrading your hosting plan to one that offers more resources, such as a Virtual Private Server (VPS) or a dedicated server.
Reduce External Requests:

Minimize the number of external resources your website loads, such as external scripts, stylesheets, or fonts. Each external request adds to the server load.

4. Monitor and Audit Plugins:

Audit the plugins and extensions used on your website. Some plugins can be resource-intensive. Disable or replace plugins that consume excessive resources.
Optimize Server Configuration:

Work with your hosting provider to optimize the server configuration for your website’s specific needs. They can adjust server settings or advise on server-level optimizations.
Implement Content Caching:

Utilize full-page caching mechanisms to serve static HTML versions of your web pages. This drastically reduces the server load by avoiding PHP and database processing for every visitor.
5. Monitor Traffic Spikes:

Set up monitoring tools to be alerted when your website experiences traffic spikes. Being proactive can help you optimize your site before it exceeds the allocated resources.

6. Consider Load Balancing:

If your website experiences high and fluctuating traffic, consider load balancing across multiple servers. Load balancing distributes incoming network traffic across multiple servers, ensuring no single server bears too much demand.
Remember, it’s essential to work closely with your hosting provider’s support team. They can provide specific recommendations based on your hosting environment and traffic patterns. Regularly monitoring your website’s performance and taking proactive measures can help prevent future “Hostload Exceeded” issues.

Solution: How to Fix Problem with Failed: Hostload Exceeded

To resolve the problem you need to set up the Google search console crawl rate setting properly for your site as per Google’s recommendations

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