How to Screenshot on Mac and Crop

Capturing and sharing what’s on your Mac screen is a fundamental skill for every user. How to Screenshot on Mac and Crop? In this guide, we’ll take you through the simple steps of taking screenshots on your Mac and show you how to crop them for a polished, professional look.

How to screenshot on Mac and crop

Section 1: Taking Screenshots on Mac

1.1 Full-Screen Shot
To capture the entire screen, press “Command (⌘) + Shift + 3” simultaneously. Your screenshot will be saved on the desktop.

1.2 Selected Window Shot
For a specific window, press “Command (⌘) + Shift + 4,” then hit the “Spacebar” and click on the window you want to capture. Your screenshot will also be saved on the desktop.

1.3 Custom Area Shot
To capture a custom area, press “Command (⌘) + Shift + 4,” drag to select the desired area, and release the mouse button. The screenshot will be saved on the desktop.

Section 2: Locating Your Screenshots

2.1 Default Save Location
By default, your screenshots are saved on the desktop. Familiarize yourself with this location for easy access.

2.2 Changing the Save Location
To change the save location, use the “Terminal” app and input the command: “defaults write com. apple. screen capture location” followed by the desired folder path.

Section 3: Cropping Your Screenshots

3.1 Using Preview
Open your screenshot with the Preview app, select the “Markup” tool, choose “Crop,” adjust the selection, and click “Done.” Save your cropped image.

3.2 Third-Party Applications
Explore third-party apps like Snagit or Skitch for more advanced cropping features and additional annotation options.

Capturing and cropping screenshots on your Mac is a breeze once you know the right shortcuts and tools. With these skills, you can enhance your presentations, create impactful visuals, and share information with precision.

Remember, a well-cropped screenshot can make a significant difference in conveying your message effectively. Now, go ahead, try these methods, and make your Mac screen captures stand out!

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FAQs: How to Screenshot on Mac and Crop

Q1: How do I take a screenshot on my Mac?

A1: To capture the entire screen, press “Command (⌘) + Shift + 3.” For a selected window, use “Command (⌘) + Shift + 4” and hit the “Spacebar.” To capture a custom area, press “Command (⌘) + Shift + 4,” drag to select, and release.

Q2: Where are my screenshots saved by default?

A2: By default, your screenshots are saved on the desktop. You can change the save location using the Terminal app with the command: “defaults write com. apple. screen capture location” followed by the desired folder path.

Q3: Can I capture a specific application window?

A3: Yes, you can. Press “Command (⌘) + Shift + 4,” hit the “Spacebar,” and click on the window you want to capture. The screenshot will include only that window.

Q4: How can I crop a screenshot on a Mac?

A4: Open your screenshot with the Preview app, select the “Markup” tool, choose “Crop,” adjust the selection, and click “Done.” Save your cropped image. Alternatively, explore third-party applications like Snagit or Skitch for more advanced cropping features.

Q5: Is there a shortcut for quick cropping?

A5: Yes, in Preview, you can press “Command (⌘) + K” to access the crop tool directly. Drag to select the area you want to keep and press “Enter” to crop.

Q6: Can I annotate my screenshots?

A6: Absolutely. In Preview, use the “Markup” tool for basic annotations. For more options, consider third-party apps like Skitch or Snagit, which provide additional annotation features.

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Q7: Are there keyboard shortcuts for faster screen capture?

A7: Yes, for quick captures, use “Command (⌘) + Shift + 5” to access the screenshot toolbar, where you can choose capture options and even record your screen.

Q8: How do I troubleshoot blurry screenshots?

A8: Ensure you are capturing at the highest resolution possible. If the issue persists, check your display settings and make sure your display is set to the recommended resolution.

Q9: Can I undo a crop in Preview?

A9: Yes, you can. After cropping in Preview, press “Command (⌘) + Z” to undo the last action. This allows you to experiment with different crop selections.

Q10: Can I use third-party apps for both capturing and cropping?

A10: Absolutely. Third-party apps like Snagit or Skitch offer a comprehensive suite of tools for capturing, cropping, and annotating screenshots, providing a more versatile experience.


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