How to enable video and voice calls on 𝕏:

In the ever-evolving landscape of social media, communication methods have taken center stage. With the constant need for innovative ways to connect with others, audio and video calls have become pivotal features. The latest update in this realm comes from X, a platform that is revolutionizing the way we interact. In this article, we will explore the basics of X’s new audio and video calling feature, how to use it effectively, and the control it gives you over your connections.

Enable video and voice calls on 𝕏

Settings > Privacy & Safety > Direct Messages > Enable Audio & Video Calling

video and voice calls on 𝕏
Source – Twiter

The Basics: Making Connections, One Call at a Time

X has introduced audio and video calling options for its premium subscribers, enhancing the user experience significantly. While all users can receive calls, premium subscribers are privileged with the ability to make both audio and video calls.

Managing your calls on X is a breeze. You have control over who can call you, ensuring a safe and personalized experience. By default, users can receive calls from accounts they follow or have in their address book, provided they have given X access to their address book. Additionally, to initiate a call, the user must have received at least one Direct Message from the person they intend to call.

How to Make an Audio or Video Call on iOS

  • Access Your Messages: Tap the envelope icon to navigate to your messages.
  • Select a Conversation: Choose an existing DM conversation or start a new one.
  • Initiate the Call: Tap the phone icon and select either “Audio call” or “Video call.”
  • During the call, users have various options to manage their experience:

Audio Call Management:

  • Tap the audio icon to switch to speaker mode.
  • Mute or unmute your microphone using the microphone icon.
  • End the call by tapping the X button.
  • Video Call Management:
  • Switch between front and back-facing cameras with the flip camera icon.
  • Toggle speaker mode with the audio icon.
  • Turn your camera off using the camera icon.
  • Mute your microphone with the microphone icon.
  • End the call by tapping the X button.
  • Controlling Your Call Experience
  • X prioritizes user control and privacy. Users can manage their call settings effortlessly:

Access Settings: Tap the envelope icon, then the settings icon in the top right corner to open your Messages settings.

  • Enable or Disable Calling: In your Messages settings, enable or disable the audio and video calling feature.
  • Customize Call Permissions: If the feature is enabled, choose who can call youβ€”options include people in your address book, people you follow, and verified users.
  • Looking Ahead: Android Release
  • Excitingly, the audio and video calling feature, currently available on iOS, will soon be accessible to Android users. This expansion opens up new avenues for communication, allowing even more people to connect seamlessly.

In a world where staying connected is more crucial than ever, X’s audio and video calling features stand as a testament to the platform’s commitment to user experience and innovation. So, gear up to make your conversations more personal, engaging, and vibrant, all within the secure confines of X’s digital realm. Happy calling!


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